Pay-Per-Lead in Affiliate Marketing

Pay-Per-Lead in Affiliate Marketing

PPL, or pay-per-lead, affiliate marketing is a type of affiliate marketing where the advertiser only pays for leads that are brought to them. This means that if an affiliate marketer is able to generate a lead, they will get paid, regardless of whether or not that lead ends up becoming a customer. PPL affiliate marketing … Read more

Researching and Buying Stocks

Researching and Buying Stocks involves a different approaches that people take. Some people take a hands-off approach and simply invest in index funds, while others take a more active role, carefully picking and choosing individual stocks. We had listed some of the steps to start before buying Stocks. Steps to Start Researching and Buying Stocks … Read more

How Google Makes Money from Search Engine?

How Google Makes Money from Search Engine?

How Google Makes Money from Search Engine? Google has become one of the most popular search engines on the internet, handling billions of searches every day. But how does Google make money from all of this searching? The answer lies in advertising. Google’s primary source of revenue is advertising. That’s not a surprise given that … Read more

8 Ways How to Increase Net Worth in India

How to Increase Net Worth in India

How to Increase Net Worth in India? India is a land of opportunity with a rapidly growing economy. However, with this growth comes increased competition, and it can be difficult to increase one’s net worth. There are a number of ways to increase net worth in India, but some methods are more effective than others. … Read more