15 Tips For Newbies to Host Their First Webinar

Webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and share your knowledge, but they can also be a lot of work!

If you’re thinking about hosting your first webinar, it’s a great decision!

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you 15 step-by-step tips that will help make your webinar successful!

Plan Ahead

1. Choose a topic

Choosing a topic for your webinar can be difficult, but it’s important to make sure it is both interesting and relevant to your audience.

You want people to be interested in what you have to say, and you also want them to be able to apply your information to their own lives.

If don’t have any ideas, try thinking about popular topics in your industry or problems that your target audience faces.

Once you have a few ideas, narrow them down to the one that you think will be most beneficial for your attendees.

2. Create an outline

Creating an outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and make sure you cover everything you want to talk about. This will also help you stay on track during the webinar.

Your outline should include an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.

You can also add additional sections if needed.

For example, if you’re going to be doing a Q&A at the end of the webinar, you’ll want to add that to your outline.

3. Choose a date and time

Once you know what you’re going to talk about, it’s time to choose a date and time for your webinar!

The day and time of your webinar will depend on a few factors, such as your audience’s location and schedule.

If most of your attendees are in the same time zone, then you’ll want to choose a time that works well for them.

If your attendees are located in different time zones, you’ll need to choose a time that is convenient for the majority of people.

You also want to make sure you avoid any conflicts with holidays or other events that might prevent people from attending.

4. Promote your webinar

Now that you have everything planned out, it’s time to start promoting your webinar!

There are many ways to promote your webinars, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

The key is to start promoting early and often. The more people you can get registered for your webinar, the better!

5. Create a landing page

A landing page is a great way to promote your webinar and get people registered.

Your landing page should include all the important details about your webinar, such as the date and time, topic, speakers, and any other relevant information.

You should also include a registration form on your landing page so people can sign up for your webinar.

If you’re not sure how to create a landing page, there are many tools and services that can help, such as LeadPages and Unbounce.

6. Send out reminders

As the date of your webinar gets closer, you’ll want to start sending out reminders to those who have registered.

Reminders can be sent via email, social media, or even text messages.

The key is to make sure your reminders are timely and include all the important details, such as the date, time, and link to join the webinar.

You should also consider offering an incentive for attending the webinar, such as a discount on your products or services.

7. Test everything ahead of time

testing everything ahead of time is one of the most important steps in preparing for your webinar.

You want to make sure that everything is working properly before you go live.

This includes your audio, video, slides, and any other materials you’ll be using during the webinar.

You should also test the link to join the webinar ahead of time to make sure there are no technical issues.

8. Have a backup plan

Even if you’ve tested everything and everything seems to be working, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan.

Things can always go wrong, so it’s important to be prepared.

Some things you might want to have a backup plan for including your audio and video, slides, and any other materials you’re using during the webinar.

It’s also a good idea to have a backup presenter in case something happens and you can’t make it to the webinar.

During the Webinar

9. Greet your attendees

When the webinar starts, be sure to greet your attendees and thank them for joining.

This is a great opportunity to build rapport with your audience and make them feel comfortable.

You should also take a moment to introduce yourself and any other speakers or guests who will be joining you during the webinar.

10. Engage with your audience

Throughout the webinar, be sure to engage with your audience as much as possible.

You can do this by asking questions, taking polls, and doing other interactive activities.

The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to stick around until the end of the webinar.

11. Use slides sparingly

While slides can be a great way to visually enhance your presentation, it’s important to use them sparingly.

If your slides are too text-heavy, it can be difficult for people to follow along. It’s also important to make sure your slides complement, not replace, your presentation.

12. Take questions from the audience

Near the end of the webinar, be sure to take questions from the audience.

This is a great opportunity to interact with your attendees and further engage them in the material.

It’s also a good opportunity to address any concerns or questions they may have about your products or services.

13. Offer something of value

At the end of the webinar, be sure to offer something of value to your attendees.

This could be a discount on your products or services, a free trial, or an ebook or other resources.

The key is to give your attendees something that will help them further their knowledge or solve a problem they’re having.

After the Webinar

14. Send out a follow-up email

After the webinar is over, be sure to send out a follow-up email to all attendees.

In this email, you should include a link to the recording of the webinar, as well as any resources or bonuses you promised.

You should also take this opportunity to thank your attendees for their time and invite them to reach out if they have any questions.

15. Evaluate and improve

Once you’ve hosted your first webinar, it’s important to take some time to evaluate how it went.

Think about what worked well and what you could improve for next time.

You should also ask your attendees for feedback so you can get a better idea of what they thought about the webinar.

By taking the time to evaluate and improve, you’ll be sure to put on a successful webinar the next time around.


In conclusion, Webinars can be a great way to engage your audience, generate leads, and build your brand.

By following these 15 tips, you can ensure that your next webinar is a success even if it’s your first time hosting one.

Thanks for reading!

Do you have any topic ideas related to webinars? Let us know in the comments below!

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